
The visualisation shows the value of completed construction work in Australia from 2001-2015 by state and sector. The visualisation is designed to show which sectors has had the most growth over the past 15 years and how much each state is spending on the different sectors.

The data has been extracted from the Australian Bureau of Statistics website which was last updated on the 13th April 2016. The original datasource and report can be found at: http://www.abs.gov.au/AUSSTATS/abs@.nsf/Lookup/8752.0Main+Features1Dec%202015?OpenDocument

In this visualisation I have also shown when the Global Financial Crisis took place to see how it impacted the construction industry within Australia, and based on industry knowledge the construction industry was fairly well protected due to government initiatives such as the Building Education Revolution project, which seen the Federal Government invest $14 Billion into construction projects in the Education sector. Whilst the graph shows that the value of work completed during the GFC did not increase much, the work that was completed just after the GFC, which seen the spike, would have commenced during the GFC.

